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Mostrando entradas de abril, 2021

Discovering Sacred Geometry

Today, we are going to talk about one topic which is more than an essential part of the yoga discipline, I’m talking about Sacred Geometry. Why is this topic related to this discipline? Well, I will tell you that thanks to this geometry system, we are able to achieve a state of calm and peace that is part of one of the multiples of the benefits that yoga provides us. But, let's first introduce this term and discover what is behind it. Sacred geometry can be defined as a collection of geometric shapes and specific geometry proportions. It is related to the belief that God is the geometer of the world. This geometry has been used in many religious constructions, for instance, churches, altars or mosques. It is remarkable to say that we all take part in this geometry since our brains are the main protagonist of its development. Sacred Geometry, allows that both hemispheres connect between each other, the left and the right part, helping us to achieve our objective since we could be ab


WELCOME!  Hello you! I'm Clara María and this is my blog Discovering the different faces of Geometry. First of all, I would like to tell you what my blog is going to be about. The first thing is that in this blog you will discover how geometry takes part in our daily life, however, I will like to focus on different disciplines that involve as many subjects as you can imagine and also in some aspects that you have never thought you could find geometry.  My aim is to share with you not only information but also resources that we can use together in order to create motivating and interesting geometry lessons.  This is the beginning of  I hope a great journey. I warm you if you are not an open-minded person and don't want to change your mind about this theme, please give it a try you won't regret it.  Are you ready?